Join us on Zoom, Saturday, January 25th at 1pm for
“How to Get Your Books in Independent Bookstores”
Presented by Julia Turner, co-owner of Itinerant Literate
Every author dreams of seeing their books on the shelves of their favorite bookstores. How does an author hit that milestone if they don’t have an agent, or are not traditionally published? Julia Turner is going to show us how!
About Julia Turner
A graduate of the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Denver Publishing Institute, Julia has been a bookstore owner for ten years, starting (along with co-owner Christen Thompson) in 2015 with pop-up events, followed by the opening of the Itinerant Literate Bookmobile in 2016 and the bricks-and-mortar Bookstop in 2018. In addition to bookselling, Julia copy edits and proofreads for a variety of trade and academic nonfiction publishers, including St. Martin’s Press and University of Chicago Press. She is an avid cyclist and loves walks with her corgi, Olivia, who you can also usually find with her at the Bookstop.

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